Quora question: Is Qanon a pied piper operation?

My response to the Quora question:

First, let’s be clear about the nature of Operation Pied Piper. Anticipating the separation of families brought about by wartime bombings, British officials evacuated one-and-a-half-million civilians, mostly children, from the nation’s towns and cities to the relative safety of the countryside or the coast at the start of World War II.

This was not some pedophilic effort to separate children from their parents, but an effort to place them into homes far from the Luftwaffe’s targets.[1]

QAnon, on the other hand, was born on /pol/, an odious sub-board of the more reprehensible website 4chan. Someone calling themselves ‘Q’ claimed to be a high-level government insider whose job it was to to covertly inform the public about Trump’s master plan to stage a countercoup against members of the so-called deep state.[2] As far as conspiracy theories go, this one beggars belief.

According to Q, Trump was never really involved with Russia, and isn’t actually under investigation by Robert Mueller. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were the ones corrupted by Putin. Trump is just pretending to love Putin. And oh yes, Hillary Clinton ran a child sex-trafficking ring out of a Washington, D.C. pizza parlor.[3]

This is the stuff that makes the far-right gush with pride and keeps psychiatrists in business.

To give more space than I already have to a lunatic group like QAnon is a disservice to all other fringe groups who have at least a toe grounded in sanity.

[1] Operation Pied Piper — Six Amazing Facts About Britain’s Wartime Evacuees
[2] The Storm Is the New Pizzagate — Only Worse
[3] Ibid.

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