Do you believe Donald Trump when he says he has never met Vladimir Putin?

Do you believe Donald Trump when he says he has never met Vladimir Putin? by Tony Garcia

Answer by Tony Garcia:

I think it is human nature for most people to initially accept what someone says. I want to believe that someone’s words match their actions. But when there is a gap, that is, when someone’s words consistently belie their actions, exaggerate or misstate the truth, I then suspend my belief in anything that person says.

For me, this betrayal of trust runs deepest when it is a loved one or, yes, Donald Trump, the president of the United States, whose proselytic words represent a fictive vision of this country, once seen around the world as a totem of democracy, tolerance and equanimity.

I do not know whether or not Donald Trump has met Vladimir Putin. But I do know this: as the former head of Russia’s infamous spy agency the KGB, Mr. Putin, like any other apparatchik, is practiced in the art of lying; and Donald Trump’s pronouncements of the past six months have consistently demonstrated his own disregard for the truth.

Do you believe Donald Trump when he says he has never met Vladimir Putin?

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